Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Winter blueberry picking?

Last Sunday evening we got ready to pick the first crop of blueberries from our yard this season. Lorena went to her bedroom to attire herself appropriately. Here she is. She has her snowman PJ's on, then her purple big jacket and she found a hat also. Needless to say, it was a very warm day!
El domingo en la tarde decidimos recoger las primeras moras de la temporada de nuestro jardín. Lorena corrió a su cuarto y regreso toda ajuareada. Aquí está, con su piyama de monos de nieve, su chamarrota morada y hasta se encontró un gorro.

Here you can see part of our yummy crop. Oh, we've also harvested our potatoes which turned out much better than last year. Yesterday I made a nice potato soup with some thyme from our Aerogarden. We had so much garlic, that the girls and dad went around Cherry Lane (our street) delivering some to our neighbors. New figs are coming in, so there is hope we'll get to eat some; the birds ate all the first ones. We also got some strawberries from the front garden; squirrells beat us to the ones in the backyard.
Aquí se alcanza a ver parte de nuestra exquisita cosecha. También acabamos de cosechar papas. El año pasado estuvieron de risa, pero esta vez muy buenas. Ayer comimos una rica sopa de papa con tomillo de nuestro "Aerogarden". Tuvimos tanto ajo, que Pablo y las niñas salieron a repartir entre nuestros vecinos de Cherry Lane. Nuestro pequeña higuera está dando fruta nuevamente; toda la primera ronda fue consumida por pájaros; esperemos lograr comer unos. También ya comimos fresas. Las del jardín de adelante estuvieron bien; las de atrás se las comieron las ardillas.


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Monday, July 21, 2008

Cheap Mexican Labor

Yay! Our evil plan worked. His parents agreed to send Gustavo over, without truly grasping our mean intentions. Now, we've got ourselves a personal 10 year old (almost 11) slave. He doesn't even eat that much, so it is really a bargain.
Nuestro plan ultra secreto dio resultado, y logramos que nos mandaran a Gustavo, sin que dudaran de nuestras intenciones. Ahora, al chamaco de 10 años lo traemos de esclavo. Para rematar las cosas, ni siquiera come mucho así que, !es una ganga!

First, I took him berry picking. He hesitated at first, but quicky got the hang of it and he collected a bunch of blueberries and raspberries from the farm. Of course, given his nationality, he had to start picking fruit. he then harvested lettuce.
Helo aquí, nada más y nada menos que en la pizca. Al principio iba un poco lento, pero pronto tomó velocidad. Recogió moras (azules:blueberries) y frambuesas. Luego hasta se animó con lechugas.

His next job was as a cashier. Here he is scanning and bagging our goods at the supermarket (U-Scan).
Su siguiente trabajo fue como cajero. Aquí lo tienen, escaneando (supongo esa palabra ya existe en Español); y empacando en bolsas.

Filling the tank with gas was soon to follow.
En seguida le tocó cargar el coche con gasolina.

Including a good window wash.
No en el alto de la esquina, pero aprovechando, lo pusimos a limpiar el parabrisas.

He can't complain, he does get a break from time to time. I know, I know, we should at least let him sit at the table. Maybe if he keeps his hard work....
No se puede quejar, hasta le damos algunos descansos. Ya sé, ya sé, le tendríamos que ofrecer una mesa; ya veremos si se la gana, si sigue chambeando así.

Seriously now, for those who don't know. Gustavo is the middle son of Pablo's sister. We had invited his older brother for the summer but Gusi was the one who took the challenge. He arrived last Wednesday and the girls were beyond super excited to see him. Since they were in camps the first 2 days, he hung out with me. He LOVED going to the farm, and discovered how much better fruits and veggies taste when just picked. He wants to go again. The 2 of us made raspberry ice cream with our first harvest. Yummy!
Ahora sí en serio, para los que no sepan; Gustavo es el hijo de enmedio de la hermana de PAblo. Habíamos invitado a su hermano mayor, pero el que se apuntó fue Gusi. Llegó el Miércoles pasado. Ya se pueden imaginar que las niñas estaban más allá de emocionadas. Como ellas tenían campamento de verano los primeros dos días, etuvo conmigo. Fuimos a la granja y estuvo encantado. Descubrió qué diferentes saben las cosas recién cosechadas. Quiere volver a ir. Entre los dos hicimos helado de frambuesa. Mmh!

He naturally loved scanning the items at the grocery store; and was excited to try the gas filling. But he did say, "Here you have to do everything yourself!".
Se le hizo padre escanear en el súper; y más aun lo de llenar el carro de gasolina, pero me dijo después de eso. "Aquí todo lo tienes que hacer tú".

His first comment, not even out of the airport, was the amount of trees all around. The other exciting thing for him has been to see real fire hydrants, especially the red ones. He already has a good collection of pictures. By the way, we loaned him our other camera, and he has been thrilled taking good pictures. He has a good eye and is interested in buying his own. They had told me he was a "saver" but over here, we've only seen the spender in him. he spent $125 on his first trip to ToysRUs, a good chunk of that in wrestling guys. He just came back from the toy store again, and he informed me that he is out of money. He did get some gifts.
Su primer comentario, ni siquiera habiendo salido del aeropuerto fue de cuántos árboles hay. La otra cosa que le ha emocionado es ver hidrantes de a de veraz, sobre todo los rojos. Ya tiene colección de fotos. Hablando de fotos, le prestamos nuestra otra cámara y está encantado. Ahora quiere comprarse una, pero a ver si le alcanza. Me habían dicho que Gustavo era ahorrador, pero estando acá; todo quiere comprar. Se gastó $125 en su primer viaje a ToysRUs, una buena parte de eso en monitos de lucha. Acaba de regresar con Pablo, y me dijo que ya se gastó todo su dinero. Eso sí, lleva ya regalos.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Here is the video of Lorena's party. It is less than 4 minutes long. Enjoy!!

Lorena's Party

I remembered I hadn't posted this. Her 3rd party was a ton of fun for the 4 of us. It was the first party we had at our house since Arantxa's first, and we LOVED it. Oddly enough, friends of ours said that they were never doing a party at their house again; so we were prepared for that possibility.
We wanted to capture Lorena's interests at the time, to have a nice reminder of what she loved and was excited about in the couple of months leading to 3. That is why we had pink and purple everything and NO boys allowed (except for Nicolas and Oliver because they are little).
In all her ongoing plans for the party, she mentioned that kids were going to ride a dinosaur. Pablo and I problem solved, and he got to work.

The girls played with the triceratops some, but it was not used during the party.

She has always loved elephants, so we decided to make a "pin the trunk on the elephant" game. WE once again had the artist in residence work on it. He even added a bunny since it is the other animal she loves. I was quite surprised at how Pablo could free-handed paint everything. Here he is working.

That one was quite the hit. Several of the kids took a few turns. I had a hard time figuring which of the kids were ready to laugh at themselves and which ones were not. Agnes was a good sport, we laughed together that she out the trunk as earrings (one in each ear). Arantxa was declared the unquestionable winner. She went 3 times, the first was semi-random. The second try, she felt the edges with her hands and then placed the trunk. Her last attempt was perfect, this time she felt all 3 edges and placed it based on that. You can see a few of the kids on the video.

Lorena really wanted a cute princess cake. She finally settled on a castle and I deemed myself ready for the challenge. I baked a carrot cake (the one I consistently bake the best) the day before. The morning of the party, Pablo took the girls to another party while I frosted the cake. Here it is.

I baked 2 cakes and explained to Lorena that the other one would be for the grown ups. When I asked her what she wanted me to write on it, she quickly replied "BIGS' CAKE". It was too cute to pass, so I did.

She always loves to paint at the easel at preschool, so we went to IKEA to get one. That was also a hit. Here she is with her friend Sofía "chiquita".

Kids got to also make some necklaces and other projects.

Finally, we had the piñata. That one we got in Mexico, it folds flat.

I forgot to say that we got amazing weather. It was cood in the beginning, but no rain was just what we needed. The party favors were little pots painted with princesses with purple flowers.

I'll post a video separately.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What they like at 3 and 5

Arantxa LOVES to:

read (she can read and read and read)
stories (even bad ones, I can relate, I can't switch channels as easy as DH)
BEars, all kinds, especially Grizzly and Panda.
to attend shows and performances
to make shows and performances
Pretend play
Ice cream
to love things, go 100%
spies (half her school journal drawings/writings) were diagrams of a spy school, spy helicopter, spy car, etc.
PRINCESSES (Can you believe it? I sure can't!!! She's the only girl I know who started this at almost 5.5)
climbing (anything that can be climbed)
parks and playgrounds.
Testing herself at the park, what she can and can't do; working on what she can't.
her little sister
hugs and kisses.
Building with anything, but especially LEGOS.
Our next door neighbor, Agnes
Setting her mind to learning/mastering something and following through.
Dress up
Every class she has taken
Showers (versus baths)
Being a future kindergartener
Making up stories. She does this every day, usually a few times (in the car, or just anywhere)

Lorena LOVES:
Pink and purple, and ONLY pink and purple
Princesses, especially Aurora. (she just cried because, her teacher/neighbor just gave her a Pooh coloring book.. but she wanted it to be a Princess book. Remember, this is the girl who demanded everyone call her Pooh!)
Elephants (but also bunnies)
Fairies and fairy books (she is even sitting through an early fairy chapter book)
Swimming, and getting wet.
Dressing, and undressing, and redressing, and undressing, and again...
Dress up, dress up, dress up.
Wearing swimsuits and pj's
Dancing and ballering stuff
Dinosaurs, especially Triceratops
Asking/commenting about good and evil (300 times per day, wolves are evil, Bruce (Nemo) is bad....
Her friends Vivian and Grace
Most girls (and NO boys)
Agnes, who she idolizes
Painting and coloring, especially in walls, furtniture, etc. ARGH!!!! . We can't keep any supplies readily available for sister.
Pretend camping and traveling
Did I mention pink and purple?
I will repeat dress up and dress down
Sparkly, shimmering things
Making friends, socializing
Baths (versus showers)
Playing with baby dolls
Minnie's house (mouse)
Sweets and chocolates
Swimsuits and pajamas
Stuffed animals
Seeing dogs from FAR away
Finding new ways to do anything, novelty.
Walking to her preschool, her girl friends there, and taking her lunch.

A Arantxa le encanta:

leer (puede leer, leer, y seguir leyendo)
cuentos e historias (como a mi, hasta las malas, por eso a mi me cuesta trabajo cambiar de canal)
osos, todos los osos, de peluche y reales; en especial grizzly y Panda
asisistir a shows, obras de teatro, espectáculos

Hacer shows y obras de teatro

Jugar "Pretend play" demasiado temprano, no se me ocurre como decir eso.

hacer todo al 100% y con entusiasmo
espias (de eso eran la mitad de los dibujos en su bitácora escolar: helicóptero de espías, escuela de espías. barco espía, etc.
PRINCESAS. Increíble, ?no? Es la única niña que conozco que empezó la obsesión a los casi 5.5.

Escalar, todo lo quese pueda escalar.

parks and playgrounds.
Retarse a hacer cosas nuevas en el parque (parándonos el corazón cuando lo hace)

Su hermanita
Abrazos y besos
Construir con cualquier cosa, especialmente LEGOS
Building with anything, but especially LEGOS.
Su vecina, Agnes
Fijarse una meta, algo que aprender o dominar, y lograrlo

La escuelita (kínder)
Todas las clases que ha tomado
Las regaderas (en vez de la tina)

Empezar pre-primaria
Hacer y contar histoias. Algo que hace todos los días, normalmente varias veces: en el carro, o simplemente de repente.

A Lorena le encanta:

El rosa y el morado, y solo el rosa y el morado
Las Princesas, en especial Aurora. Esta semana lloró porque su maestra/vecina le regaló un libro de colorear de Pooh., pero ella quería que fuera de princesas. ?Se acuerdan que hace solo unos meses, se resistía a que la llamaran cualquier cosa excepto Pooh?
Los elefantes, y también los conejitos

las Hadas y los libros de hadas, hasta esta pidendo que le leamos un libro de capítulos (corto)
Nadar y mojarse en traje de baño
Vestirse, y desvestirse, y volverse a vestir, y cambiarse de ropa y ....
Disfrazarse. le encanta ponerse varios al mismo tiempo
Andar de traje de baño y piyama
Bailar y cosas de bailarinas
Los dinosaurios, en especial el Triceratops
Comentar y preguntar del bien y el mal, por lo menos 300 veces al día. (Los lobos son malos, Bruce es malo, por qué dices que la Bestia no es mala, sí es mala
Sus amigas Vivian y Grace
Casi todas las niñas, pero no los niños.

Agnes, a quien idoliza
Pintar y colorear, en especial paredes, muebles, etc. ARGH! No podemos tener pinturas al alcance de Ax.
Jugar al campamento y los viajes.
Había dicho rosa y morado?
Valea pena decir vestirse y desvestirse de nuevo

Las cosas brillantes
Hacer amigAs, socializar
Making friends, socializing
La tina (contra la regadera)

Jugar con sus bebés
La casa de Minnie/Mimí
Dulces y chocolates

Andar de traje de baño y piyama

Los peluches
Ver perros desde lejos

Encontrar nuevas cosas de hacer todo, la novedad
Caminar a su escuea, sus amigas de ahí, y llevar su "lunch"