Thursday, April 23, 2009

A multiple choice get well card and other odd things

Our neighbor had to stay home from school after she had taken a bad fall earlier this week. Teh girls wrote Get Well Cards. I was busy working on something else, and just overheard Arantxa murmuring to herself, sounding out words.

This is what she wrote:


I hope you get better soon. Whow did you get hurt?
A Run and fall
b run to a wall and fall
C Go down a slid in or land on rock
if none of these send a note saying whow.
From Arantxa (and with the obligatory girly little heart).

When I glanced at what she had written I almost laughed out loud. One would think that she has taken multiple choice tests.

Today, when I picked her up from school., I realized that she had a little red mark on her cheek. This is a summary of the conversation we had.
M: What happened to you? How did you get hurt?
Ax: Oh, it is that we were playing hockey during 1st recess, but there were a lot of kids playing. It was both K classrooms, so that is 32 kids, plus, I think there I counted 10 other kids. That means there were 42 kids. Mom, quick, I need paper and pencil.
(passed her a piece of paper, she pulled out a pencil from her backpack).
Ax: I need to write this down. 16*2=32; 32+10=42. That means each team had 16+5 kids.
M: How many would that be?
Ax: 21, (then while writing she said) 16+5=21.
M: So, what happened then?
Ax: Oh, somebody was pulling their stick, and let go, and it hit me in the face.

Notice how she turned the conversation into a math problem. I guess instead of going off a tangent, she went off an arithmetic problem.... since we were there, I asked more.

M: So, how many girls in your class?
M: and boys?
Ax: 8.
M: and girls and boys in the other class?
Ax: 8 and 8.
M: So how much is 8*4?
Ax: 32! Let me get that down in paper again.

I haven't seen her notes, I want to see how she wrote everything.

It seems that lately she is in a math growth spurt. She frequently says things like: 17+5=22, 14+5=19. 3*6=18, etc.

One last one. I was filling out a Scholastic book order and asked her if she'd read all of the Deltora books. "Well, there are the ones with the jewels, the first one is called ___ and then there are the ones blablabla, but I read the one that blabla.. and also the other one that comes after and is titled blablabla....and on and on and on ". Pablo quietly said to me: she could have said: no.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lorena was the mom today

Arantxa and I were practicing some catching and throwing (we had completely forgotten about her glove and ball..ooops!). Lorena got in her Little Tikes car announced she was the mom, and that she'd pick us up after our baseball class.

She stayed in character all day, Arantxa quit after a while. She got tired that when she said "mom, look", Lorena reminded her that she was the mom.

Here are some of the quotes from the day:

- You guys are going to go to extended day today. Extended day is where kids can go to after regular school hours. Arantxa doesn't go there. Well, her Drama class was through X-day.

She finally picked us up. We got "in" the car, and she asked, "Did you have a good lunch? How much did you eat? Who did you seat with?". Oops! I hadn't realized how predictable I am.

Later, we are going to go to the gym. You are going to go the school there (childcare while you work out) because I need to exercise. I am going to do the climber. It is only for moms, you can't do it because I am afraid you'd get hurt.

I am not going to give you a snack in the car because we are going to have dinner soon.

Maybe I will remember some later on. It was funny!

Oh, and here is Arantxa in her incomplete Baseball uniform. She is so excited! Practices start this week.