Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What Lorena remembers....

Both girls frequently astonish us with things they remember. Here are some recent examples from Lorena.

1) We were at the museums' cafeteria, and she started pointing to a table far away. She said that they had the same bottles that they gave to kids at her sister's preschool (sister now in K). We had no idea what she was talking about, so we asked her to clarify. She said that Ms. S had given kids that water bottle at the field trip. She went on to say that it was the field trip she had been invited to at the museum with the dinosaurs bones. She then added the other snack items she was given that day by Ms S.

2) When she asked what was for dinner and I said Ravioli, she replied that she doesn't like those. Lately she has been saying that too frequently, so I told her that she hadn't tasted them. "Yes, I have mom, remember, that was what we had the day we saw Annie, and you let us have dinner in the family room, watching TV".

Mmh... 2 food items, maybe there is a pattern here.

3) When I was going to do her hair, she said she wanted to have braids AND a headband that day, like the girl in the book. What girl? what book? She ran upstairs, brought down "Gigi, God's little princess" book, and turned pages until she found the right one. Her sister got that book as a party favor last year, and neither of the girls really liked it that much. I am sure we read it to both, but definitely not too frequently. She did not remember the girl's name. What surprised me most is that Gigi has different hairstyles through out the book.

4) We went to the super market and I put her in one of those annoying carts with the huge plastic car add-ons, the ones that look like cars. I playfully put her down, sideways, and she "fell" in it, with her arms and legs up. She laughed and said, "just like Goldilocks". What? Apparently, Goldilocks fell just like that from the chair in one of the "versions" (her word) of Goldilocks that we have, the one in the thick book with a compendium (my word) of stories in Spanish. We came home, and she showed me the illustration.


Dennise Camara said...

Que divertido Mariana, alexa tenia tambien muchisima memoria, a la fechala tiene pero mas cuando fue chiquita y mi suegra me ensenio un juego super simpatico con respecto a esta capacidad retentiva...
Tu le dices un pasaje de algo, puede ser pelicula, cuento inventado por ustedes o leido etc, y ella te debe contestar en dode salio, por ejemplo...tu dices: "quien se comio mi sopa" y ella te va a decir : Risitos de Oro. A nosotros nos divirtio mucho y no creerias de lo que se acuerdan!!! Besitos, Dennise

Lorraine said...

This is pretty interesting - it suggests that she's incredibly visual! I love the image of her studying the various hairstyles of the little girl in the book :)