This is what she wrote:
I hope you get better soon. Whow did you get hurt?
A Run and fall
b run to a wall and fall
C Go down a slid in or land on rock
if none of these send a note saying whow.
From Arantxa (and with the obligatory girly little heart).
When I glanced at what she had written I almost laughed out loud. One would think that she has taken multiple choice tests.
Today, when I picked her up from school., I realized that she had a little red mark on her cheek. This is a summary of the conversation we had.
M: What happened to you? How did you get hurt?
Ax: Oh, it is that we were playing hockey during 1st recess, but there were a lot of kids playing. It was both K classrooms, so that is 32 kids, plus, I think there I counted 10 other kids. That means there were 42 kids. Mom, quick, I need paper and pencil.
(passed her a piece of paper, she pulled out a pencil from her backpack).
Ax: I need to write this down. 16*2=32; 32+10=42. That means each team had 16+5 kids.
M: How many would that be?
Ax: 21, (then while writing she said) 16+5=21.
M: So, what happened then?
Ax: Oh, somebody was pulling their stick, and let go, and it hit me in the face.
Notice how she turned the conversation into a math problem. I guess instead of going off a tangent, she went off an arithmetic problem.... since we were there, I asked more.
M: So, how many girls in your class?
M: and boys?
Ax: 8.
M: and girls and boys in the other class?
Ax: 8 and 8.
M: So how much is 8*4?
Ax: 32! Let me get that down in paper again.
I haven't seen her notes, I want to see how she wrote everything.
It seems that lately she is in a math growth spurt. She frequently says things like: 17+5=22, 14+5=19. 3*6=18, etc.
One last one. I was filling out a Scholastic book order and asked her if she'd read all of the Deltora books. "Well, there are the ones with the jewels, the first one is called ___ and then there are the ones blablabla, but I read the one that blabla.. and also the other one that comes after and is titled blablabla....and on and on and on ". Pablo quietly said to me: she could have said: no.
I love how she gets from a seemingly simple thing to creating math problems.
Your last conversation reminds me of Kayne, some days it seems like 'how many words can i use to reply?' He will go on and on and on... when a yes or no would have been ok.
I LOVE the multiple choice get well card. I can totally see those at the drugstore - can she make her own brand of cards?
The tangential math problems were really cool; it made me wonder if she's gotten that from her school a bit. I think back to that Halloween project.
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