Monday, February 2, 2009

Theories on why Lorena is slimming down

You know how it is harder to see changes in people you see all the time. It seemed as if Lorena was slimming down a bit, but we were not so sure. However, it was unequivocal in Mexico. It of course helped that we were seeing much more of her in her swimming suit versus the layers of costumes and clothes she usually wears.

We wondered whether she had just had a growth spurt. Both girls looked taller so we measured them when we got back home. Sure enough, they had both grown almost an inch (2.5 cm). After their summer growth, we had measured them back a couple of months ago, but there had been no change. It has been really interesting, for a long time now, they seem to grow together. They both grew similar amounts in the summer, stayed several months in the same height, and then grew again. Their 28 months of age difference, has translated into a stable delta of 7-10 cm.

Arantxa now measures about 1.13 m (44.5") and Lorena is 1.05 m (41.3").

Back to Lorena, her baby belly seem to be practically gone. I know it is normal for kids to gain some weight, then stretch keeping the same weight, and back to gaining weight again. This has NEVER been the case with Lorena. When she started moving more and more as a baby, when she began walking, she still kept being chubby. Yes, she did slow her weight gain, she was off the charts for weight as a baby, but not as a toddler.

Getting them on the scale confirmed it. Not only had she stretched, but she was also weighing maybe one pound less. Last week, when she was sick, she got weighed at the doctor, and sure enough she was considerably lighter than last time.

So, why would this happen at this unusual age?

First theory.

Both girls, but especially Lorena, was extremely bad at turning off lights. Every time I walked past her room, I'd see the lights on. I turned them off, and kept asking and reminding them to turn off the lights when they left a room. I finally realized that my gentle reminders were not having any effect; so I instituted a new policy. Whenever I see a light on, I call the person, and they have to stop what they are doing, and immediately go turn the light off.

We started doing that in November or December. Every day, Lorena would be summoned back to her room. And, yes, I felt ridiculous waiting for her to come from downstairs, all the way up, when I was right there next to the switch. The weeks went by with no change in habits.

I am sure you, bright readers, have already figured out the first theory. Yes, she has been excercising MUCH more: up and down the stairs all day long, it is like her private "step" class.

I know, maybe that doesn't explain the weight loss. However, I am very happy to report, that it FINALLY made a difference in the light habits. I think at least a whole week has passed without her being called up.

Second Theory.

This brings us to the second theory. Lorena has realized there is a difference between liking and loving a food. A few weeks ago she did not eat pizza during lunch at her school because it did not have pinapples on, and she only likes pizza with pinapples. <: o

She is constantly saying "I am not going to eat this, it is not my favorite". Seriously, the girl who ate anything and everything, suddenly became super picky! It is SO strange! She used to gobble up a big bowl of soup. This week she hand-picked the kidney beans, carrots, and peas from her veggie soup. She now eats only the frosting and leaves the cake. We are still pushing her to eat a bit of everything; and we make a big deal, for both of them when they like something they did not before.

Now, I can't complain, I have met many real picky eaters; and she is not even close. She continues to enjoy a variety of foods, eats healthy stuff, etc. It is just that it is so unusual to have her follow through with her "I don't like this since it is not my favorite." Before, she would announce that she did not like salad, and 2 seconds later gobbled up all her greens and then asked for a second helping.

I asked the doctor whether she should be seen for this. We agreed that we are going to wait until her 4 year appointment. Just one more comment for reference. At the 3 year appointment we talked to the doctor about the opposite problem. We have always read/been told, that little kids know what they need in terms of food, that you should let them regulate themselves, etc. My question to the doctor was when we were supposed to start distrusting her body. She said this (3) was a good time. While we continued to let her eat, we, for example, gave her water after her cup of milk in every meal if she was still thirsty.
For anybody that keeps track; the girls are back to weighing the same; and Arantxa's feet are only a tad longer than her sisters'.
All this doctor talk reminded me to schedule Lorena's 4 year appointment. 3 months ahead is the perfect time to call. Isn't that crazy?


Lorraine said...

Ha ha - I just scheduled Amelia's appointment and counted myself lucky I got in for mid-May! Oliver had his 2 year appointment 2 months late since I was silly and called only 2 months ahead.

Wow, she really has slimmed down so much - that bathing suit picture is startling! Are you telling me the same will happen to my little chunky monkey Oliver? I loved all of your theories.

Brianda said...

Lorena looks so different, anyway she looks so cute either way.

Hannah said...

I saw the photo of Lorena on FB and noticed that she looked quite skinny... I like your theories, I think they explain her slimming down very well. She still looks her lovely, cute self!
I must schedule the 4yr appointment too! Thanks for the reminder!